ISGIDAR 2024 Submissions Open!

ISGIDAR 2024, our next meeting that will be held in conjunction with the 2024 CPDD meeting in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on June 15th, 2024. We are looking forward to an excellent lineup of speakers, which YOU can contribute to.

Newsletter: Hear more about the goings on of ISGIDAR in the annual newsletters here

ISGIDAR 2024 Call for Presentations  This is a call for presentations (original research, mini-symposia, and “favorite paper” reviews) for the annual ISGIDAR meeting on Saturday, June 15th. You can register for the meeting through the CPDD website. All submissions will be podium presentations and should be sent to Sally Huskinson (


ORIGINAL RESEARCH SUBMISSIONS: For those wishing to make an original research presentation, please submit 1) a title of the talk, 2) a list of all authors, and 3) a brief (2-3 sentence) description of the talk.
MINI-SYMPOSIA SUBMISSIONS: For those wishing to submit a mini-symposium, please send 1) a title of the symposium, 2) a brief (2-3 sentence) description, and 3) a list of the individual speakers and titles of their talks.
“FAVORITE PAPER” REVIEW SUBMISSIONS: To encourage participation by those individuals who might not have new drug self-administration data to share (especially trainees!), and to highlight those seminal publications that shaped our careers, we are offering the opportunity for review presentations of “favorite papers”. Please submit 1) the citation and 2) a brief (2-3 sentence) description of the paper.
REVIEW: The executive committee will review submissions. Notifications of acceptance will be made promptly on a rolling basis. Notification of presentation times will be made when the program is finalized, approximately 2 weeks prior to the annual meeting. 
ISGIDAR 2024 Travel Award Competitions 
This year, ISGIDAR will sponsor two competitive travel awards, the ISGIDAR Travel Award and the William Woolverton Memorial Travel Award, for trainees to present a paper at the ISGIDAR meeting on Saturday, June 15th. Awardees will receive funds to help defray the cost of travel to the ISGIDAR meeting.  Those who do not receive the award, but who receive good reviews will be encouraged to present their papers at the ISGIDAR meeting.


ELIGIBILITY: Currently a post-baccalaureate, graduate student, or post-doctoral fellow
SUBMISSION: Electronic submissions are required (Microsoft word, or less desirable, a pdf). Submit a short paper (maximum of 1500 words, not including references, and a single figure) describing your study (Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, with the Abstract limited to 200 words) to Greg Collins ( Pilot projects with few subjects also are acceptable, if the findings are interesting. The scope of the paper should be consistent with a 20-min slide presentation. Please include paper title, name, mailing address, email, and phone number. 
REVIEW: Papers will be reviewed by ISGIDAR officers for scientific contribution, originality, methodology, and clarity. 

Look forward to seeing everyone in June!


REMINDER: If you have updated contact information or know of colleagues who have recently moved, please assist us in forwarding this information on and encouraging them to reach out to us with their new contact information!

ISGIDAR always welcomes TAX-DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTIONS. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution go to

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ISGIDAR CPDD Meeting 2024!

June 15, 2024
31 days to go.


The mission of ISGIDAR is to promote interest in, and to facilitate the dissemination of, new information related to drugs as reinforcers, especially as it may relate to human drug abuse.